Friday, 29 August 2008

Shenanigans in Chamonix

So Chamonix was an amazing week, but definitely one of those 'holidays' where you need a holiday to recover from the previous one!

One of the things that Camp Quality UK is trying to do is to make more use of Social Media and Web 2.0 (this blog being one example) and it just so happened that the fact that one of the young people was an aspiring film maker really helped!

So Murray (or Mr. Spielberg as we affectionately took to calling him) has produced this rather stunning documentary. At 14 years old he's certainly in the running for the youngest ever film director to win an Oscar!

The documentary runs to about 35 minutes in 4 parts, so enjoy watching it and joining in the fun. If you fancy donating to the charity so that we can take more young people with cancer away on these amazing holidays, then you can do so here.

Chamonix 2008 - Part 1/4

Chamonix 2008 - Part 2/4

Chamonix 2008 - Part 3/4

Chamonix 2008 - Part 4/4

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